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Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Artikel Komputer : Cara Ganti Wallpaper Windows 7 Home Basic  / Ubah Latar Belakang Desktop
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Kebetulan Ada Teman Datang Minta Di instalin Leptop Acer Core i5 serial Windows 7 Home Basic (MRH7X-RTQ64-P2GWT-XY3PT-7FCDC) Setelah selesai instal SkypeYM,Google chromMozilaGom Player, Format FactoryFlv to MP3 ComventerFLV to 3gp ConventerCCleaner 3.19AntivirusWinamp, IDM, dll. Setelai Selesai di ceksemua ok Not Problem, Pas Mau Ganti Wallpaper Windows 7 Home Basic klik kanan kok ga ada pilihan buat Seting Wallpaper, Kang Abun langsung Bertanya dengan Pak Google, akhirnya merunjuk ke situs Microsoft, setelah di praktekin ok langsung Wallpaper/gambar destop berubah sesuai keinginan tanpa donload Program tambaan lagi.

Untuk Cara Ganti Wallpaper Windows 7 Home Basic ikutin langkahnya sebagai berikut

To change the desktop background

  1. Click the Start button Picture of the Start button and then click Control Panel.
  2. In the search box, type desktop background, and then click Change desktop background.
  3. Click the picture or color that you want for your desktop background.
    If the picture you want to use is not in the list of desktop background pictures, click the Picture location list to view other categories, or click Browse to search for the picture on your computer. When you find the picture you want, double-click it. It will become your desktop background.
  4. In the Picture position list, click an item to crop the picture to fill the screen, fit the picture to the screen, stretch the picture to fit the screen, tile the picture, or center the picture on the screen, and click Save changes.


If you upgraded to Windows 7 Home Basic or Windows 7 Starter from a previous version of Windows, you can no longer right-click the desktop to change your desktop background and other appearance settings.
untuk Penjelasanya Cara Ganti Wallpaper Windows 7 Home Basic di bawah ini :
1. Klik Star ==> Control Panel

2. Di bagian Kanan Atas View by: Category ganti dengan Large Icons Lalu pilih Display

3. Setelah Keluar seperti gambar di bawah ini klik Change desktop background

4. Cari lokasi Gambar pada Picture Location silahkan pilih gambar di bawahnya, bentuk ukuran : Picture Position Setelah Selesai Klik Save changes

Artikel Komputer : Cara Ganti Wallpaper Windows 7 Home Basic
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